System Progress Simulation and Fund Risk Assessment about the New Rural Endowment Insurance 新型农村养老保险政策推进仿真与基金风险评估
Establishment of Assessment Index System for Medical Insurance of Community Health Service 城市社区卫生服务医疗保险考核指标体系的构建研究
Study on Standard Frame of Fire Risk Assessment for Property Insurance 财产保险火灾风险评估标准框架研究
The Study of the Assessment of Risk Management Abilities in Life Insurance with COSO Method 基于COSO理论的寿险公司风险管理能力评估研究
Risk Assessment and Agricultural Insurance Design of Agrometeorological Disasters Risk for Citrus 柑桔农业气象灾害风险评估及农业保险产品设计
DFA Approach for Insurer s Solvency Assessment; China's Property Insurance Company Branch Office Reimburses Ability Supervision Research DFA方法在保险公司偿付能力评估中的应用我国财产保险公司分支机构偿付能力监管研究
Discuss on Fire Risk Assessment of Building and Commercial Fire Insurance Rating 建筑火灾风险评估及火灾保险费率厘定探讨
A model on the assessment of insurance risk 保险风险评估的一个模型
Study on Advance Warning Technology and Risk Assessment Technology in Food Safety Insurance System of China 我国食品安全保障体系中的预警技术与危险性评估技术研究
Discussion of correlativity between fire hazard assessment and insurance premium rate of the business building 关于商场建筑火灾风险评估与保险费率相关性的探讨
Establishment of the Index System on Assessment and Supervision of Medical Insurance of Designated Hospitals and Exploration of the Comprehensive Assessment Method 定点医院医疗保险业务监督评价指标体系的建立及综合评价方法的应用探讨
An Analysis and Assessment on the New Endowment Insurance Policies 有关养老保险新政策的分析与评价
Assessment of an insurance company's solvency margin relies on the comparison of required solvency margin and actual solvency margin. 对保险公司偿付能力的评价取决于最低偿付能力额度与实际偿付能力额度的比较。
This paper uses DEA advantage efficiency model and disadvantage efficiency model to make an assessment for nine Chinese insurance companies 'DEA comprehensive efficiency in 2001.The result shows that they do not win advantage as a whole. 运用DEA优势效率模型和劣势效率模型对我国9家保险公司2001年度的DEA综合效率进行测评显示:它们的效率总体上不占优势;
Based on a historical review and system assessment of our national export credit insurance, and from the perspectives of institute systematic re-positioning and business functional repositioning, plans to complete our national export credit insurance system will be put forward. 在对我国出口信用保险进行历史回顾、制度评价的基础上,从机构体制的重新定位和业务功能的重新定位及立法角度对完善我国出口信用保险制度提出设想。
The Comprehensive Assessment and Regionalization of Natural Disaster Insurance Risk in China 中国自然灾害保险风险度综合评判与区划
Assessment of Research Life Insurance Trust 人身保险信托之课税研究
It also discusses the concrete operation of performance assessment method for insurance companies-AFT method. 论文还对保险企业绩效评价方法&AFT方法具体运用进行了探讨。
Risk assessment for insurance of debris flow disaster in mountain area in Beijing 北京山区泥石流灾害保险的风险评判方法研究
Health Technology Assessment and Medical Insurance 卫生技术评估与医疗保险
Research on risk assessment model of industry corporation property insurance 工业企业财产保险风险查勘(评估)模型研究
Part four: the introduction of the computerized testing and assessment system of insurance salesmen's psychological quality. 文章第四部分为保险推销员心理素质计算机测评系统的说明。
Every country around the world pays great attention on the equality assessment of medical insurance, and China has made much more detailed assessment on the equality. 各国都十分重视医疗保险公平性评价。中国在医疗保险公平性研究方面进行了较详细的评估。
In order to balance the premium income and insurance payments, insurer will inevitably conduct a risk assessment before signing the insurance contract, on which the insurer to determine whether to promise the contract and premium rates. 保险人为了保证其保费收入与保险金支出相平衡,必然需要在保险合同签订前进行风险评估,保险人基于风险评估的结果确定是否承保以及保险费率。
Based on the economic assessment, illustrated with agricultural catastrophe insurance, this paper explores the extreme precipitation disaster response mechanism under the climate change condition. 并基于经济评估,以农业巨灾保险为例.对气候变化下,极端降水灾害政策应对机制进行了探讨。
Owing to the lack of effective restricting providers 'behavior, Shandong Provincial Social Insurance Bureau put forward a new measure that is credit rank assessment among medical insurance contracted hospitals. 山东省社会保险事业局针对缺乏有效约束供方行为的管理工具的问题,提出了进行医疗保险定点医院信用等级考核的工作思路,对市、县两级医疗保险定点医院实施信用等级制度。
Another example of comparative analysis method, this paper operational risk assessment on insurance companies-based on the basic indicator approach for operational risk measurement and insurance companies-the two methods based on standard methods from the common, difference, and less than three were compared. 再比如对比分析的方法,本文对保险公司操作风险评估基于基本指标法和保险公司操作风险度量基于标准法两方法从共同点,区别和不足三方面进行了对比分析。
Risk assessment for insurance companies, from the valuation of the reserve to the solvency standards have been in continuous development. 对于保险公司的风险评估,从准备金的计算方法到偿付能力的标准都一直处于不断发展变化之中。
First of all to improve the original assessment mechanism, build a 360-degree assessment, the establishment of stars insurance agent system, and improve the examination content. 首先改进原来考核方式,实行个人代理人的360度考核,建立星级个人保险代理人制度,完善了考核内容。
Insurance object fire risk assessment model which called Insurance Object Fire Risk Assessment Schedule, and fire risk classification method is proposed. Thirdly, floating mechanism of fire insurance rates which linked with the fire risk assessment results is established. 建立了保险标的火灾风险评价模型&保险标的火灾风险评价打分表及火灾等级划分方法。